Porthenys Class (Year 1) Information and news

Welcome to Porthenys Class!

Our class is named Porthenys which is the Cornish name for Mousehole.
I'm the teacher in Porthenys Class and my name is Mrs Squires. 
This page will keep you up to date with things that have been happening in the class and it will link you to helpful information to support your child during their time in year 1.
There might be photos from activities we've completed during the year that your child can talk to you about, this can help them consolidate their learning. 
In Year 1, as a PRIORITY, children are taught phonics, this is crucial to help them develop their reading skills. We use a programme called Little Wandle. This is made up of daily phonics practice and then guided reading sessions three times a week.
In addition to this we ask you to read with your child daily. Spending time enjoying reading with your child, and sharing books together means so much long term. 
To support learning to read, on a Monday we give out words that children in year 1 should learn to read and spell. Some of these are words children find tricky to spell. These will be in your child's reading diary. Please practise these at home, a daily run through, perhaps a couple at a time will help your child learn them. We will also practise them at school.
Mathematics is also very important. Daily lessons are completed and we also complete Mathematical activities at different times during the day too, linking into other subjects when possible. I encourage children to practise developing their Mathematical skills at home, this can include playing dice games, measuring, reading weighing scales and counting money, playing shops or helping with shopping.
PE will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons this term. Please can children keep their PE kits in school for the week, they are handy to have available!
Please find the class newsletter for the Summer term and the overview of learning below.
Mrs Squires