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Welcome to our new website!
Newlyn School

Porthia Class (Year 2) Information and news

Mrs  Squires

Mrs Squires

Year 2 Teacher


Welcome to our year 2/3 Class, which is known as Porthia Class. (Porthia is the old Cornish name for St Ives).    I'm Mrs Squires the classroom teacher and Mr Pentreath also works in our class.

We have three class reps - Mrs Perry, Mrs Hunter and Mrs Morris. They are another contact for you and will often be helping organise volunteers for trips and helping with activities in the classroom.

A couple of helpful pointers, we will be having PE twice a week, it is useful to have PE kit and trainers in school all week! 

Please read with your child every day - a minimum of 10 minutes will help with their progress. We all know how important learning to read is, year 2 children really need to work on their fluency.

Over the year children in year 2 need to know their 2s, 5s and 10s multiplication tables. Regular practise of these at home really helps. We have been carrying out Mathematical work on 'lots of 10s' so children can get used to the fact that multiplication is more than just knowing times tables - it is 'x lots of' something! I can see this is really helping their understanding. This is a great link for practise: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

We have started using Times Tables Rockstars this term too.

Spellings are given out on a Monday, there is a short worksheet for your child to work through and this helps them become familiar with the word pattern. We check how well we are doing with them throughout the week and on a Friday we sit down and really think about how well we know them.  This is not a spelling test! It is a chance for children to show their understanding of how to spell the word. They have been enjoying showing me their knowledge rather than scores!  If you would like more ideas as we move through the year around games to play to help learn trickier words, please feel free to message me through seesaw.     

Watch this space for class updates and photographs!
Spring Curriculum
Homework Challenge - There is something for everyone here, have a go! Help manage your energy levels with these activities and boost your learning!