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Welcome to our new website!
Newlyn School

Physical education at Newlyn


All of the children at Newlyn School benefit from 120 minutes per week of Physical Education with the  addition of Daily Physical Activity (DPA) to help the children reach the Government guidelines of 60 minutes of physical activity every day. This year we have added a "Daily Mile" activity on at least 3 days each week to help achieve this. 

School Games Mark

Last year (2021/22) the school was proud to be awarded the Gold Award for the School Games Mark and it was highlighted that "Newlyn School have created positive sporting experiences for their young children. They engage young children with a variety of interventions." 


The whole school has adopted the REAL PE curriculum which is a holistic approach to PE. It teaches the children the fundamental skills of Agility, Balance and Co-ordination (ABCs) through a variety of Physical, Creative, Cognitive, Personal, Social and Health Related Fitness elements both in and out of PE lessons. The children are assessed once a term and can review their progress on their own individual Progress Wheel. The curriculum also includes Real Dance, Real Gym and Real PE at Home as well as related games activities.


This year, all of our children will receive swimming lessons for 1 term. These are delivered by qualified swimming instructors at Penzance Leisure Centre and are supported by the class teachers and TAs. Top-up sessions are available in the Summer Term to those children who need them to help achieve national standards in swimming.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

We provide a variety of after school sports clubs including Rounders, Cricket, Cycling,  Surfing, Cross Country, Quad Kids Athletics and High Five. Our children compete in the Penwith Leagues for High Five, Cross Country, Hockey and Rounders as well as a variety of tournaments for Rugby, Football and Cricket. This year we have introduced a number of new and exciting clubs including Karaoke Club, Lego Challenge Club, Performing Arts and West Penwith Exploration.

Community Links

The school has a number of close links with community sports including Penzance Swimming Association and Water Polo Club, Penzance Gym Club, Penzance Hockey Club, Penzance Tennis Club, Pirates Rugby Club and Chance to Shine Cricket provision. The children are able to access coaching either from visiting the clubs or in-school visits throughout the year.

Inter-house Sports

Our inter-house sports offer a range of both competition and sporting festivals throughout the year, involving all of the children from Year 1 to Year 6. Our Year 6 leaders are responsible for promoting a good sporting attitude to their teams and contribute to the running of the events. 

Bike-ability/Balance Bikes
Each year our Year 5 children are offered Bike-ability Training which equips them with the essential skills to ride their bikes safely on the roads. Using money raised from our Cycle Club Sponsored Bike Ride, the school owns its own set of balance bikes and helmets. All children in Foundation and Year 1 receive Balance Bike Training to start them on the road to riding their own bike.