
We are all Mathematicians at Newlyn School. We use small steps to break the National Curriculum objectives into achievable steps and progression through each lesson is planned through our 'Try it, Use it, Prove it' approach, where deep learning and understanding is challenged. Teachers use White Rose Schemes of Learning to support planning alongside other resources and manipulatives.
We ensure that we are addressing the three key aims of the National Curriculum:

Fluency - quick and accurate recall of facts, the efficient and accurate use of methods. 

Reasoning - talking and exploring the maths by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations. Creating an argument or justification for their thinking. 

Problem solving - applying skills and knowledge you have to solve unfamiliar problems. 

Teachers ensure that reasoning and problem solving techniques and strategies are explicitly taught alongside efficient, accurate and flexible strategies for arithmetic. This helps promote a deep and secure understanding of Mathematics. Our Try it, Use it, Prove it approach for the three areas of the National Curriculum can look like... 
Due to our Maths Curriculum being delivered in a linear approach, we revisit key areas that are identified through diagnostic assessment. These are revisited within our 'Do it now' Starters, which are at the start of every Maths lesson. This enables us firstly, to address and consolidate gaps, and secondly, where appropriate we carry out out further pre-assessment tasks which will support main Maths lessons in the future.
Our calculation policies ensure a consistency of approach across the year groups for use of strategies and approaches across our maths curriculum.