
At Newlyn School we firmly believe that it is vital for all pupils in our care to meet their full potential. Our aim is that every child thoroughly enjoys their school experiences and participates in school life fully with enthusiasm for learning, achieving, making good progress whilst continuing to grow as individuals. This is achieved through quality first teaching, a calm nurturing environment and through the clear and consistent approach that echoes throughout the school. The individual needs of all our children are the central focus, providing stimulating and exciting learning opportunities for all.

We consider all children to have individual needs, however some children may be more able or may need some extra support and intervention to enable them to achieve their full potential, in order that they thrive. As part of our caring and nurturing ethos, our aim at Newlyn is to identify and meet any individual needs early. Then we will work together with parents, and if needed any outside agencies, to write individualised Support Plans. This enables us to target support and interventions effectively so we can all work together to focus on specific learning targets. We integrate and include all children with SEN, whilst ensuring any other needs are met through small group work or 1:1 support throughout the school day.

Mrs Julie Wood


If a parent ever has any questions or concerns about their children’s progress then they should discuss this with their child’s class teacher. Our SENDCo– Julie Wood ( is also always available if you wish to discuss any concerns further.

Please see the SEN Policy on the school website for more detailed information about the way SEN is co-ordinated within the school as well as a full list of outside agencies the school works with.

Our Local Offer also outlines the provision that all children can expect if they attend Newlyn School.